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Technological Partners
Microsoft Partner
Umbraco Gold

DXspark develops its work close to its clients, assisting them in their digital transformation.

highdome presents security solutions for different types of customers, ensuring the future of organizations.

Agap2 Technology Services (ATS) presents its clients with a new brand and a distinct way of thinking and making technology.

Public Administration

ATS Public Administration
ATS Public Administration

Public Administration has always been a critical and decisive area in the organisation of all countries, regularly struggling with problems of productivity and public image. With the entry into the technological age, it was possible to make it more modern, appealing and productive. However, at agap2IT we go further. Embracing this mission of promoting this digital transformation with a view to incremental change with clear productivity gains, making the Administration more agile and prepared for today's times and challenges.

Digital Transformation

Transforming and definitively framing our Public Administration in the digital age is the purpose of agap2IT. The intervention in this field has as its imprint to implement innovation and the digitization of obsolete and error-prone processes in the DNA of Public Administration. Through the partnership with INE (National Institute of Statistics), improvements were developed in the 2018 Census Tests with full control in the process of collecting information, both in the mobile component and in the online questionnaire. The result of this total transformation are strong operational gains and effectiveness in the process, bringing public administration to the center in the digital age.

Through the partnership with INE (National Institute of Statistics), improvements were developed in the 2018 Census Tests.

The digital platforms that manage in detail the sporting, academic, social and personal evolution of the main sporting asset: the athletes.